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Smart machine-tool and HSM process with Emma

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Welcome to SmartEmma project

The objective of the SmartEmma project is to develop innovative smart and connected machine-tool for High Speed Machining (HSM). The aim is to contribute to the digital Factory of the Future (industry 4.0). Signals from close to the process instrumentation and from the connection to the CNC (Computer Numerical Control) of the machine-tool are collected in large process database. Research will be carried out to define Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and methods for data analysis, in order to improve HSM process efficiency, through machine learning and decision support tools. The approach requires an adapted modelling and efficient management of HSM process data and knowledge. KPI will be identified by Knowledge Discovery in Database and Data Mining. Continuous process improvement will be eased by an expert system and by long term learning. It will conduct to new leverages for decision support for the operational management of a machining company. Smart machines will also result from advanced perception and new real-time adaptive control capabilities.

Summary of the project


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This project has received funding from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR under grant agreement No ANR-16-CE10-0005 and labeled by EMC2 EMC2 Logo