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Smart machine-tool and HSM process with Emma

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Laboratoire du Science du Numérique de Nantes (Lab of Digital Science of Nantes LS2N)


LS2N gathers 450 people. It results from the merge in January 2017 of IRCCyN lab (Institute of Research on Communications and Cybernetics of Nantes, UMR CNRS 6597, 268 researchers) and LINA lab (Lab of Informatics of Nantes Atlantic, UMR 6241, 171 researchers). It is supported by University of Nantes, Ecole Centrale Nantes, IMT Atlantique, CNRS and IRIA. Researches cover a broad scientific spectrum grouped within 5 areas of expertise:

  • Robotics, Processes and Calculation (including RoMaS group)
  • Signals, Images, Ergonomics and Languages
  • System Design and Operation (including IS3P group)
  • Data Sciences and Decision-making
  • Software and Distributed Systems Science
The involved teams in the SmartEMMA project are :

  • RoMas (Robots and Machines for Manufacturing, Society and Services, issued from IRCCyN)

    research team is stakeholder in this project. The research topics concern the modelling and identification of robot, and the robotization of manufacturing processes. High Speed Machining (HSM) and Industry4.0 are also one of the research axes. More particularly, the issues of process monitoring (based on physical models) are developed in order to increase the intelligence of machines-tools, perform condition-based maintenance and improve HSM knowledge. It resulted in the development of [EmmaTools] monitoring device, mainly applied in aircraft industry within national and H2020 projects.

    RoMas link:

  • IS3P (Industrial Systems for Product, Process and Performance)

    The IS3P team (Industrial Systems. Products, Performance, Perception) is very complementary in industrial engineering. The main research topics of IS3P are related to knowledge-based systems, product and process modelling, enterprise modelling, enterprise performance simulation, assessment and optimization. Most of these topics are in direct connection with real applications in industrial systems. The team has proposed several fundamental models and methods for enterprise data modelling, assessment and improvement. The team has been involved in many research projects related to these topics at national level (ANR METIS, FUI EONAV, FUI SDM4DOE, FP7 DOROTHY, FP7 S-MC-S, H2020 ProRegio, H2020 ICP4Life).

    IS3P link:

LS2N link
